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Psychology Programs in Alaska

Find Programs for Online Psychology Degrees in Alaska

Alaska offers traditional therapy based programs such as marriage and family counseling and offers specialty studies in clinical psychology such as children’s mental health and clinical-community psychology. Alaska colleges, including online schools in Alaska, also offer different types and lengths of programs, ranging from short-term certificate programs all the way to doctoral programs.

For example, the University of Alaska at Fairbanks offers certificates, associate’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees as well as graduate degrees, all within the same campus, whereas is other states, you may have to switch schools after obtaining your associate’s degree. To find an online psychology degree program in Alaska, look below at our featured schools. These are online psychology schools that allow you to complete your degree in a more flexible manner than traditionally, which is great if you are in a remote area.

Alaska is a unique area in which to study psychology with the changing of the seasons and long hours of dark or sunlight varying between seasons, making depression a regular occurrence and need for psychology majors high. Children’s mental health has a lot of research foundation in Alaska with a high rate of delinquency and children’s mental health needs.

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Psychology Education in Alaska

There are multiple psychology schools and programs in Alaska, and the entrance requirements, curriculum and post matriculation job opportunities will depend largely on which type of psychology degree you intend to earn. If you are going for your Bachelor’s in Psychology, you will likely take general education courses along with several classes that establish your knowledge base in Psychology.

Alaska Students Comparing Notes For Online Psychology Degree

Some of the most common courses across all Psychology degree programs include:

  • General Psychology
  • Biological Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Senior Thesis/Seminar

You can also find a good deal of psychology graduate programs in Alaska, as well as doctoral degrees. Some of the options for graduate study include Children’s Mental Health, Clinical-Community Psychology and Master of Science in Counseling Psychology.

Regardless of which type of degree program you are looking for, there are likely colleges and online schools in Alaska that offer it. Take some time to submit a request for program information for those that interest you. Once you have enough information to compare programs, you can decide which ground based or online Psychology degree program is best for you.

You may want to look into financial aid options as well, if you have any concerns about paying for school. There are some state-specific scholarships to help you fund your education. Just a few are the Aileen Lee Scholarship, the Alaska Academic Competitiveness Grant, the Gear Up Alaska Scholarship and traditional federal aid that can be determined by completing the FAFSA . There are also quite a few merit-based scholarships that you can look into, and the schools you contact should be able to help you find them. If scholarship availability is an important factor in your decision, be sure to check into each school before applying, as some Alaska schools do not offer scholarships.

Outlook for Psychology in Alaska

As a psychologist in Alaska, you may be able can expect to make a good living in clinical, counseling, or school psychology according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In 2016, the BLS reveals the mean annual salary for these psychology professions in Alaska is $85,540. Most positions within this type of psychology career are found in schools, outpatient facilities, state and government offices, psychiatric and substance abuse facilities and agencies providing individual and family services.

If you are looking to earn your PsyD and enter clinical psychology at this level, you must be licensed by the state. The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) is part of the Alaska Psychology Board and administers the tests for certification.

To learn more about the psychology programs in Alaska that interest you take some time to contact the schools shown here and request program information. You will want to compare costs, curriculum and requirements, so getting information from all the psychology schools in Alaska is ideal.