Home Clinical Psychology Degree Programs Becoming a Clinical Psychologist in Illinois

Becoming a Clinical Psychologist in Illinois

Find Programs for Clinical Psychology Degrees in Illinois

According to the most recent rankings published by the US News and World Report, Illinois is home to very highly ranked clinical psychology doctoral programs, including the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Northwestern University.  The rankings were based on the result of peer assessment surveys, and only included accredited programs in good standing.

OnlinePsychologyDegrees.com makes it easy to request information from multiple universities in Illinois that offer doctoral programs in clinical psychology. Our directory features programs that are accredited by the American Psychological Association, the professional organization that represents psychology in the United States.  Begin your search by reviewing the featured universities below.

Clinical Psychology Education in Illinois

Clinical Psychology Schools in Illinois

University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignPh.D.Champaign
Northwestern UniversityPh.D.Evanston
Chicago School of Professional PsychologyPys.D.Chicago

Students who wish to earn a doctoral degree in clinical psychology typically enter their program after having earned a master’s in psychology. This is not required, however. It’s also possible to earn your master’s degree as you work towards your doctoral degree, but be forewarned that most schools don’t grant the master’s if you leave the program before earning your doctorate.

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Clinical psych doctoral students have two main degree options: the first is a Ph.D., the most common degree awarded in psychology and the better option for students who want careers in research, education, assessments, and treatment. The second is a Psy.D., and is a better option for students who want to become clinical practitioners with a strong basis in the science of psychology.

Scholarships for Clinical Psychology in Illinois

Both public and private programs in Illinois offer full tuition scholarships to their clinical psychology Ph.D. students as fellowships, teaching positions, and stipends. Other programs such as the Chicago School of Professional Psychology offer a number of scholarships to their Psy.D. students to offset the cost of tuition.

Psy.D. degrees are typically more costly than Ph.D. programs, so the APA’s database of scholarships is a great resource to find different funding options, most of which are not location specific.

License Requirements

The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation requires clinical psychologist license applicants to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Graduation from an accredited Ph.D. or Psy.D. program
  • One year (1750 hours) of supervised post-doctorate experience
  • Hours must be completed within 36 months of graduation
  • Supervision must be one-to-one and face-to-face with a licensed clinical psychologist
  • At least 50 percent of your hours must be spent in a face-to-face clinical setting
  • A passing score on the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology

2017 Career Outlook

Once you have completed your Ph.D. or Psy.D. and earn your professional license, you can join the growing number of clinical psychologists practicing in Illinois.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) most recent figures, clinical psychologists in Illinois earn an average annual salary of $77,700, just below the national average of $78,690 (BLS, 2017).

As demand for clinical psychologists continues to increase, the BLS projects that the employment rate of psychologists will increase nationwide by 19 percent into 2024.

To learn more about how you can enter this rewarding field, request information from the schools that interest you and review it thoroughly to choose the program that can best help you reach your career goals.

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